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    [0] => Array
            [TEXT] => About the journal
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                    [0] => About the journal

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            [TEXT] => Archive
            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/edition
            [SELECTED] => 1
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                    [0] => Archive

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    [2] => Array
            [TEXT] => To the Authors
            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/to-the-authors/
            [SELECTED] => 
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            [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array

            [ITEM_TYPE] => D
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                    [0] => To the Authors

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            [IS_PARENT] => 1

    [3] => Array
            [TEXT] => Manuscript Submission Requirements
            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/to-the-authors/manuscript-submission-requirements
            [SELECTED] => 
            [PERMISSION] => R
            [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array

            [ITEM_TYPE] => P
            [ITEM_INDEX] => 0
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                    [0] => To the Authors
                    [1] => Manuscript Submission Requirements

            [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 2
            [IS_PARENT] => 

    [4] => Array
            [TEXT] => Operating procedures for the Authors
            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/to-the-authors/operating-procedures-for-the-authors
            [SELECTED] => 
            [PERMISSION] => R
            [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array

            [ITEM_TYPE] => P
            [ITEM_INDEX] => 1
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            [CHAIN] => Array
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                    [1] => Operating procedures for the Authors

            [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 2
            [IS_PARENT] => 

    [5] => Array
            [TEXT] => To the Reviewers
            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/to-the-reviewers/
            [SELECTED] => 
            [PERMISSION] => R
            [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array

            [ITEM_TYPE] => D
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                    [0] => To the Reviewers

            [DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1
            [IS_PARENT] => 

    [6] => Array
            [TEXT] => Contacts
            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/contacts
            [SELECTED] => 
            [PERMISSION] => R
            [ADDITIONAL_LINKS] => Array

            [ITEM_TYPE] => P
            [ITEM_INDEX] => 4
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    [7] => Array
            [TEXT] => Translation
            [LINK] => /journal/translation/
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            [PERMISSION] => R
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            [LINK] => /en/journal-aircraft-engines/
            [SELECTED] => 1
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Some trends of modern aeroacoustics

The analysis of changes in main noise sources’ significance is presented for four aircraft categories: business jet, regional, short-medium-haul, long-haul. Changes in technology readiness levels (TRL) of noise reduction methods for fan, jet stream, landing gear, elements of a wing mechanization system, as well as evolution of a propulsion system’s noise suppression are considered. The forecast of achieving noise levels for considered categories of aircraft is presented.

Keywords: glider noise, engine noise, noise source, glider, fan, jet stream, noise suppression system.

Khaletskii I.D.

Review of mathematical models for calculation of gas foil bearing elastic element deformation

Review of the current mathematical models used for gas foil bearing stiffness characteristic calculations including contacting foils stress-strain state determination is represented. Classification of GFB calculation approaches is carried out. GFB models are reviewed starting from the simplest engineering models, used at the initial gas support design stages and ending with precision finite element models that take foils contact interaction and manufacturing errors into account. Analysis of GFB model advantages and disadvantages for the particular GFB structure design stage is performed versus experimental data. Evaluation of GFB model efficiency for calculations at the different stages of gas support design process is presented.

Keywords: gasdynamic bearing, gas foil bearing, elastohydrodinamic contact, dry engine.

Temis M.Yu., Meshcheryakov A.B.

Experimental study on possibility of developing an electro-optical signaling device for detection of combustion in GTE combustion chambers

Results of the study on possibility of developing an electro-optical signaling device for ignition and combustion in gas-turbine engine’s combustion chamber are presented. Design, rationale for the chosen constituent components of the signaling device and its operation are described in detail. Results of afterburner tests during bench testing of engines are presented.

Keywords: gas turbine engine, combustion chamber, electro-optical ignition signaling device, ionization ignition sensor.

Aslanyan E.V., Berlov I.V.

Conceptual design of electric propulsion systems for ultralight manned airplane

The description of preliminary designs of electric propulsion system for an ultralight manned aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of up to 700 kg is presented. Two versions of propulsion system based on an electric motor with maximum power 60…80 kW rotating a propeller are proposed. The electric energy source in the first version is a battery pack. In the second version a proton exchange membrane fuel cells with hydrogen gas as fuel is primary energy source and battery pack is additional source that provides power boosting during takeoff and climb.

Keywords: electric propulsion system, ultralight airplane, fuel cells, battery pack, electric motor.

Varyukhin A.V., Zakharchenko V.S., Geliev A.V., Gordin M.V., Kiselev I.O., Zhuravlev D.I., Zagumennov F.A., Kazakov A.V., Vavilov V.E.

Gas temperature measurement of high-pressure turbine rotor blades during bench tests of a core engine

Results of an experimental study dedicated to development of a methodology for measuring temperature of a gas flow using contact thermal detectors with chromel-alumel thermocouples are presented. The article is methodical.

Keywords: core engine, turbine, blade, temperature measurement, thermocouple, thermal detector, partial flow stagnation.

Ceretely A.A., Elshin A.A.

Evaluation of the energy efficiency of a plasma actuatorbased on an arc discharge in air under the influence of an external magnetic field

The paper generalizes the previously proposed two-dimensional mathematical model of a plasma formation’s motion in a constant transverse magnetic field for a three-dimensional case. The complete system of single-fluid magnetogasdynamic approximation of the equations of the hydrodynamic method for describing plasma under conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium is simplified in the electromagnetic part. Instead of solving the complete system of Maxwell's equations, Ohm's integral law is applied to the conducting region. Comparison of simulation results is carried out using three-dimensional and two-dimensional models, as well as experimental data. Energy efficiency of the proposed actuator is estimated as a fraction of the input energy converted into a longitudinal momentum of the gas masses.

Keywords: arc discharge, plasma actuator, Ohm law.

Semenev P.A., Toktaliev P.D., Moralev I.A.

Computational experiment implementation in aviation acoustics problems

Mathematical model and computational software are developed for computational experiments and investigations of aeroacoustics problems that are characterized by complex topology of computational region and inherent boundary conditions. High technological capabilities of developed computational software are demonstrated during modelling of acoustical phenomena accompanying propagation of tonal noise in aviation engine flow ducts appropriate to fan, compressor or turbine work in turbofan, noise radiation from engine intake and exhaust nozzle, as well as noise suppression by means of adjacent resonant volumes of various configurations at duct walls.

Keywords: aeroacoustics, mathematical model, software package, computational experiment.

Aleksandrov V.G., Osipov A.A.